Gatewood Historic District (GHD) added three new board members this year, including one at the latest meeting in September. Welcome to the board, Christi Frederick, Chris Frederick and Chad Previch! If you're interested in joining the board, GHD has two open positions to support our initiatives.
While we are a voluntary neighborhood association, the GHD Board does have a lot of power to make positive changes. Our homes are an investment, and the state of the neighborhood is almost as important as the house itself. We have so many great ideas to make Gatewood even better, we just need more volunteers to help us execute our plans.
If you like sales, fundraising, event management, landscaping, etc., please consider joining. Past board experience is not needed. In terms of time commitment, depending on what’s happening, it’s about 3-5 hours a month. For meetings, we meet once a month on the second Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. at Meerschaert House, 1901 NW 18 St. Drop us an email if you are interested,, or stop by our next board meeting.
